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Oct 26, 2020

Think about your voice. Why do you sound the way you do? Why do you speak the way you do? The words you choose, the pitches you make, although comes naturally to you now, it all had to start somewhere.


As kids, we emulate the adults around us, the community that we live in, and the culture that is ingrained in our...

Oct 19, 2020

Being a Podcaster can be really exciting. The fun part is always the recording. You've got your gear set up and you're ready to hit that record button. But then you get behind the mic and bam, you freeze or stumble over your words and start thinking what if they don't get what I'm trying to say? What if I sound weird...

Oct 5, 2020

It's cold and flu season, on top of COVID, so what are we to do as Podcasters? This time of year Podcasters ask, what can do they to improve their voice while sick? Should we take cough drops or drink lemon with tea or fancy throat calming teas on the market? Sure, sure you can! But none of those things are going to...